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SPECTRUM ANALYSIS of meridional system assessing results
Everything in the world is in constant motion and, like a stone thrown into water, creates circles of diverging waves which contain information about the reason that caused them. Wave in its turn is the total of energy particles created by radiation source and it can be recorded depending on the potential of recipient. Radiation waves move in space and carrying huge energy and information flows. Everything on Earth and in the outer space exists in the energoinformational space. Living organism’s energetic waves of certain frequency and amplitude contain the information about source, i.e. they are the total of organs and systems’ radiation. It can be observed with the help of computer tomography or thermal imager, or other means of living organism’s radiation record where the information obtained either by direct receiving radiation from living source or by receiving reflected waves from certain organs is shown. In any way, we translate the information contained in energetic waves radiated by a body into the method of visual control which is peculiar to our nonverbal perception of the environment. Nowadays electromagnetic waves (oscillations) are the most known and researched. "Any kind of life possesses its own electromagnetic oscillations spectrum, i.e. every micro- and macroorganism has its own specific frequency spectrum (oscillation spectrum). Every structural unity of a body corresponds to a certain frequency spectrum and this feature is successfully used in therapy" (Gotovsky Y.V. with co-authors, 1999). Development of the pathological processes leads to changes in this frequency spectrum in the form of pathological (disharmonic) oscillations’ emergence. Wave characteristics of the whole spectrum of radiation which penetrates through the space contain a lot of information about its sources. We perceive this information in the form of signals recorded by our communication organs tuned to rather narrow radiation spectrum. The human body’s meridional system which runs through all physiological systems including the central nervous system and therefore determines its functioning, has connection with the skin and thus contacts directly with the environment obtaining and generating wave information. It can be assumed that radiation spectrum’s wave characteristics which are beyond the limits of perception by conventional communication systems, such as organs of sense, are perceived by meridional structure. This is so called "subthreshold perception of environment’s energoinformational characteristics" which differs from body’s coverlet’s receptors’ subthreshold perception by wider wave spectrum. Thus, the information which has positive or negative meaning for communicative system of perception is received not only by the organs of sense but also by meridional system and thus by physiological systems controlled by it. In this connection, the radiation which are in resonance with the body’s internal frequencies cause positive feelings and those which are in dissonance cause negative feelings. Physical organs, which receive information through meridians, can be compared with magnetic tape on which the information is recorded. So the more body receives negative information, the stronger the function of this or that organ will be damaged. The most weak parts will be damaged first. The approach described about the emergence of psychosomatic abnormalities can be compared with the theory of G. Selye - "the syndrome of biological stress" (G. Selye Stress without distress) by which he proved that the influence of various external factors, which are not always bad for health, cause a stereotyped set (syndrome) of synchronous changes in organs. All organs involved in the investigated chain are among vitally important ones in the body. Such set (syndrome) is called "general adaptation syndrome" (GAS) or "Biological stress syndrome". In physiological systems, which are constantly depressed because of discordant perception of the environment’s energoinformational flows through the body’s meridional structure, structural changes take place leading to functional and then organic changes. These changes in organs cause the radiation of negative wave information about their "negative" state into space through meridians (energetic channels) and determine emotional state of a person and, in the end, his behavior. Thus, we can observe not only the connection between abnormalities of physiological processes in organs, but also the mechanism of functional and organic changes’ emergence as a result of person’s mind’s negative oscillations. Judging by the above mentioned information there is a necessity to bring a living biological system (such as the human being) to normal functioning state. The body as a united system can be brought to normal state only by autonomous "repairs" of different subsystems and organs. It must be an interactive process of all body’s organs and subsystems’ functions’ co-ordination in the process of treatment and thus, of regulator relations’ reconstruction subject to co-operation of all body’s subsystems. This process is supported by the improvements of human’s psychoemotional sphere. Therapy by electromagnetic oscillations with which the human body, different organs and systems and also micro- and macroorganisms contained come in resonance is called exogenous bioresonance therapy (BRT). The main point of resonance’s usage is that if the right frequency of medical treatment is chosen, it is possible even with a small amplitude of external signals to increase normal (physiological) and to reduce pathological oscillations in a biological system considerably. Therefore it is supposed that adequate resonance influence brings tissues and organs to the state which corresponds to the embryonic stage of its ontogenesis and changes the characteristics of the illnesses acquired if they haven’t influenced hereditary structures. Special attention to the problem of various frequency’s electric and electromagnetic impulses’ effect has been paid recently because it is supposed that the character of information transmission in biological systems is not amplitude, but frequency-dependent (Adey window). For instance, the human body is capable of not only reacting in a wide frequency band of influence (10-3 – 109 Herz and higher), but also of responding certain frequencies with certain reactions. Besides, the amplitude of affecting electric signal can be trifling low (i.e. to be lower than the threshold of sensitivity) and of magnetic field – 10-100 times lower than the Earth’s magnetic field. Therefore the influence of impulses with the amplitude of dozens and hundreds of volts which are produced by many devices based on Foll’s method is not physiological and may damage the human body (Gotovsky Y.V. with co-authors, 1999). Such selective influence on the biological system that doesn’t require much energy to be released and suggests bio-object’s own energy sources’ activation under the influence of certain frequency is called resonance effect and is a kind of exogenous BRT. However, different kinds of influence on biologically active points are sometimes had without considering the distant integral body’s reactions and states, patient’s biorhythmological features and environmental temporary structure at the moment of diagnostics or treatment. In S.L. Zaguskin’s (2002) opinion, resonance activation frequencies of ferment, cellular, organ and body reactions are unstable and have temporary, reversible nature; they also don’t allow to forecast and reproduce the responds needed. The reason of such living systems’ behavior is that even the characteristics of ferments and other macromolecules in the test-tube and in the living cell are fundamentally different in time organization. Living systems on any level show homeostasis features, preventing from divergence of their separate subsystems and elements’ axes, i.e. as integrated systems they "escape" resonance responds actively keeping internal stability (S.L. Zaguskin, 2002). The necessity of whole body’s functioning recovery on all levels is explained by the fact that the stabilization of one single homeostasis parameter that has deviation will be carried out at the expense of damaging others because the body, as integrated system, when treated one-way inevitably finds new stable conditions (local extremums) that are far from the system’s standards as a whole. Practical testing of theoretical theses above mentioned on cell and body level by means of certain gradual changes of multi-frequency influence with invariant frequencies ratio peculiar to given biosystem’s harmonic and stable state allowed to detect the phenomenon of multi-frequency parallel resonance capture peculiar only to living systems. The thresholds of such multi-frequency bio-controlled biorhythmological influence on separate nerve cell turned out to be lower than the thresholds of mono-frequent resonance influence. Probably in body’s integrated and interrelated system such influences can be effective when the intensity is lower than under optimum mon-ofrequent influences (S.L. Zaguskin, 2002). According to the above mentioned information the utility of multi-frequency resonances’ usage in biological systems becomes clear. These systems explain their high interference immunity along with simultaneous exclusive cell and body’s sensitivity to biologically important and ecologically habitual multi-frequency code signals, so called "basal multi-frequency signals". Obtained with the help of the "ROFES" set, the spectral portrait of the body’s meridional system contains all the components of basal multi-frequency signals and also the result of the individual reaction of a living biological system to environmental impact at the very moment of measuring. That is why the analysis of the multi-frequency spectrum obtained and operative multi-frequency respond to abnormalities revealed in the frequency characteristics, representing the body’s homeostatic reactions subject to dissonant components, allows a living biological system’s functions to be restored on a real-time basis. The meridional system itself will control multi-frequency response correction, and the reaction of this system will be recorded under biological feedback conditions in the present situation. Obtaining a normal functional state by controlled biological points according to the result of initial diagnostics (i.e., the state of "semiconductor") will characterize the normalization process of organs and systems for which the meridional system of the human body is responsible. Thus, the operative record keeping of patient’s individual biorhythmological characteristics and dosed correction by means of individual frequencies spectrum selection allows to stabilize patient’s functional state operatively. Meridional system’s spectral analysis is based on the spectrum analysis of frequency characteristics BAP measured as a result of current provocation. The analysis is conducted with the use of mathematical methods, i.e. measured BAP’s signal (oscillation) expansion in Furye series and further formalized analysis of characteristics obtained.
In the picture the frequency spectrum of lungs meridian’s BAP is shown. Every column (oscillation) in the diagram represents a certain frequency which is a part of point’s oscillation signal generating as a result of assessing current provocation (assessed point’s signal oscillation can be seen in the process of assessment on the indicator which shows this process). Along the axis of abscissae (horizontal axis) there are frequency’s rates (in this case low frequencies from 0.2 up to 14 hertz) represented. Along the vertical axis there are rates of these freqiencies’ energetic manifestation (column’s height) represented. For normal functioning living object of system the reaction on current provocation, i.e., normal adaptation to current, must look on the spectral diagram as gradual decrease in columns (oscillations) from the beginning of the diagram up to its end (from 0 up to 14 on the axis of abscissae), i.e., fading process. This decrease looks like a kind of exponential curve if all the peaks are joined. Every next column is lower than the previous one from left to right on a certain rate, i.e., negative increase (-D - Delta). Frequency spectrum’s change is peculiar to the oscillating signal of the point that characterizes different abnormalities in organs for which this meridian is responsible to. In the diagram there can appear some "peaks", i.e., the rule of columns’ gradual decrease (exponential rule) will be broken. Any oscillation that characterizes energetic manifestation of a certain frequency will have the rate higher than the previous oscillation, i.e., positive increase (+D - Delta).
In the picture, we can see a clear tendency of exponential rule’s breaking in the beginning of the diagram. You can view the frequency spectrum in the menu [Expert-analysis of assessment] by clicking any key that refers to a certain meridian around "rofogram" (Pic. 3). Left diagram with the blue column represents meridian’s energetic filling according to the result of the assessing made. In this diagram, the meridian’s reaction when interacting with biological feedback will be shown. To the right from the frequencies’ spectrum’s diagramthe picture of the point is shown, that was diagnosed and through which the interaction with biological feedback will be conducted. The "ROFES" software conducting mathematical analysis of frequency spectrum combines all positive increases (+D - Delta) into the table that can be viewed from sub-menu [Spectrum diagnostic analysis] (Pic. 4). In the column "Delta", all positive increases are shown. In the column "Frequencies", all frequencies that have such increases are gathered. In the right part of the table, there is the description of specific frequencies chosen according to nosology, symptomocomplexes and syndromes. |
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