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Comparative diagnostic data by methods with using of the tool ROFES and generally accepted diagnostics

L.F. Kaznatscheeva,
Doctor of medicine, professor,
Head of Chair of hospital pediatrics,
Novosibirsk’s Medical Institute,
Novosibirsk, Russia.

Nosologic forms Quantity of observations Coincidence in the results Divergence in the results
1. Chronic gastroduodenitis 98 92 /93.9%/ 6 /6.1%/
2. Chronic colitis 29 16 /55.2%/ 13 /44.8%/
3. Large intestine diskinesia 76 67 /88.2%/ 9 /11.8%/
4. Chronic enterolitis 12 8 /66.7%/ 4 /33.3%/
5. Chronic cholecystitis 71 58 /81.7%/ 13 /18.3%/
6. Pancreatic functional disturbance 53 38 /71.7%/ 15 /28.3%/
7. Vegeto- vasailar dystonia syndrom 25 20 /80.0%/ 5 /20.0%/
8. Functional cardiopathy 18 16 /88.8%/ 2 /11.2%/
9. Chronic rhinopharynx infection focus 86 83 /96.5%/ 3 /3.5%/
10. Immune system function disturbance 42 36 /85.7%/ 6 /14.3%/
11. Chronic pyelonephritis 6 5 /83.3%/ 1 /16.7%/
12.Functional disturbance of vertebra’ cervical zone 46 39 /84.8%/ 7 /15.2%/
Total 562 478 /85.1%/ 84 /14.9%/

Hardware/ software monitoring tool ROFES corresponds to its medical intention completely. Technical documentation provides with satisfactory understanding of the features and guide for the usage. Using it by us no any contra- indications and complications have been revealed. Ought to consider that its adoption in practice within children’s medical centres will increase the quality of children’s somatic disease diagnostics, low down a number of complications.

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