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Valeology problems in rehabilitation of the people suffered from psycho- ecological stress pressure

G.V.Thalalaeva, T.V.Rogatscheva, G.P.Nasonova
Yekaterinburg’s Regional hospital No2 – Regional Centre of radiation medicine,
The Urals State Medical Academy,
Yekaterinburg, Russia

In this report there is generalized the long- term experience of Regional hospital No2 (Yekaterinburg, Russia) on rehabilitation of liquidators of consequences of Chernobyl’s nuclear power plant disaster (in after LPAs), distressed by the complex psycho- ecological stress during emergency operations at the plant.

In-depth observation showed that often a LPA’s health condition is a frontier state between normal and pathologic. The processes of their physical ageing are speeded up on 5-10 years and psychical – on 15-20 years faster. In the structure of diseases of the adults distressed by radiation that comes with pathologic beginnings, chronic stress diseases are predominant. A structure of children’s morbidity differs from typical pediatric and has an "adult" character. There are pathologically psychological states as the compensatory and adaptive and (or) unhealthy symptoms in the psychological portrait, which are hardly discriminated one from another without additional methods of the purposeful examination.

LPA’s reaction on rehabilitation and treatment courses differs from one of patients without radiation anamnesis. Paraclinical observation methods (bicycle-ergometer, rithmo- cardiography, Holter’s monitoring) reveal that the majority of LPAs, including ones without organic pathologies, have disturbances of physiologic function regulation mechanisms and adaptive abilities declining.

There a unified system for PC express diagnostics of the above specified frontier psycho- physiological conditions between normal and pathologic has been promoted with the use of "ROFES- diagnostics" and automatic psychological tests; there is the LPA’s psychological and electro-physiological portrait built up in Yekaterinburg’s Regional Hospital No2.

At present, there are approved the acupuncture methods of adaptive physiotherapy based on principals of a biotic feedback there, and methodic approaches to rehabilitation programmes are studied with the consideration of types of a patient’s responses on disease, one’s attitude to treatment and motivation on restoration of one’s health and efficiency.


"Rofogram – trefoil" typical for LPAs
(liquidators of Chernobyl’s disaster)
"Rofogram" for a normal patient
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